Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oh no!

My washing machine flooded my whole balcony! This is my first overseas apartment mishap, so I'm quite proud of myself for making it this far. However, I would like to see my balcony floor instead of about 4 inches of black water (I was doing a dark load)... What do I do??? Maybe the drain is clogged? I don't think it's the actual washing machine. On the bright side,  the water didn't get into my apartment : )

I hope this is going to be easy to explain to my school director...


  1. oh i laughed at this one, that's for sure.
    why is nothing ever easy? not even a load of laundry.

  2. oh my gosh, you have had all sorts of mishaps lately. But, if anyone could handle it, it's you. when do you come back???

  3. I know! I really don't know what to do. I told my director about it and he said he can get the landlord to look at it on Monday... But I think I'm going to do another load this weekend anyway and see what happens because I really need clean clothes! I am going to do some digging/looking around on my own with the drain. Hopefully I don't break anything : )
